Members of the Beachwood Historical Society enjoyed learning about Frank Lloyd Wright, the greatest American Architect of all times. A presentation was given that highlighted some of his amazing masterpieces located in the United States and around the world. Ohio has a few of his masterpieces as well. His first house was built in the year 1892. He is known for Falling Water, Taliesin East and Taliesin West, the Guggenheim and many more.
In 1908 in an article for the Architect Record, Wright prophesied about his legacy. He said that it "shall become an atmosphere as pure and elevating in its humble way as the trees and flowers are in their perfectly appointed way."
In 1908 in an article for the Architect Record, Wright prophesied about his legacy. He said that it "shall become an atmosphere as pure and elevating in its humble way as the trees and flowers are in their perfectly appointed way."